Wednesday, May 15, 2013

3 Row Wrap Bracelet

Hey guys!! I'm back!!! alright, so i recently bought a bracelet from American Eagle and i loved it so much i thought i would recreate it!! it's a little more complicated but still handleable :)
K let's go.

not a whole lot of supplies needed.
-some good string (now i got hemp, but i dot suggest getting a leatherette chord just for extra strength)
-needle and thread (preferably one with a slightly bigger eye cuz you're doubling it over)
-large beads and medium beads (my smaller beads are 6/0)
-buttons (i got mine at my local Fabricland)
*not pictured*
-clipboard or something to hold the bracelet down while your threading. it helps A LOT

start by double threading your needle. don't worry about it not being long enough to go through the entire bracelet, there is a genius solution i figured out and we will get there when thread runs out., but for now just keep it decently long, but not so long it's unmanageable.

cut two pieces of string that are the length of your wrist 2.5 times (after being folded... so 5 times haha)

so i sort of broke this bracelet into sections to simplify the pattern i had to follow due to the beads being an uneven size. my bracelet ended up getting only two full rows before i needed to add spare small beads to even it out. but this will be further explained in pictures later.

starting your bracelet is hard, so don't get too frustrated.
now i have a trick for these sort of bracelets, that also happens to cut string usage in half. so. instead of treading over the string and then weaving back under, i thread through the string (as pictured above). this prevents the beads from wiggling around once it's done, and in my opinion makes the bracelet a lot more sturdy. (also a bonus, the string practically disappears if it's the same color as the hemp ;))

coming along!! :)

make sure as you're going along that you are paying close attention to the positioning of the smaller beads on the sides because the bigger ones in the middle will sort of make themselves look pretty as you go along (i found at least) but the smaller ones once they are sewn in are stuck for good)

so here we go back to the "sectioning" this would be a picture of the first row in the section. see how the beads line up really nicely?

(i forgot to take a picture before threading the third row, which can be undone by just pulling the thread back! i was just lazy) see how the middle bead is sticking out a whole bunch and pulling on the side beads funny? that's what we don't want. enter row three!!

now to get the thread back to the other side thread it through the bead in the middle. 
but DON'T forget to poke the needle through the second string before putting the bead on. always ALWAYS thread through the string, never lay the thread over or under it.

tadaaa row three is done. and now we're perfectly set up for row one!! 

see, the needle goes straight through and the beads are all where they should be. beauty. (notice my thread it going through every string and not under or over it)

ok so here is where my thread was getting a little short and i needed to make it longer. poke the thread back through the first string BEFORE cutting the needle off the end.

cut another double backed thread, thread it like you normally would, and tie the two loose ends as close to that first rope as possible. (see that tiny knot?? sorry for the poopy picture) 

string on and sew in your next bead aaaaand.... tadaaaaa, magic. where'd it go??

when your bracelet is the length you want it to be, weave the thread back over and under the beads and rope once each (yes this is the only exception to that NEVER EVER rule)

then tie a nice little knot and cut the thread off (to avoid tangling with the button clasp)

tie another knot down the line just so there is enough room for the button to fit through. not too much and not  too little haha.


not too shabby eh?? (ps, the smaller beads on the American Eagle bracelet would have given it a two row section, so you can take a look at the difference there. (basically mine has two three small for every two big and AE has two small for every big. 
*it's really just trial and error with what works best for the beads you choose*

ain't she a beaut. so proud.

well i hope you enjoyed as much as i did!! post pictures of your creations in the comments, or links to the m or whichever, i wanna see!!! later gators :)

1 comment:

  1. so good!

    p.s. I'm having a ray-ban giveaway if you'd like to check it out! xx
